What is it?

Drama Club is a rolling Foundations project. This means it operates in 10 week blocks, and is focused on inclusion, skills and confidence-building. Two directors work with a group via weekly workshops on acting skills, improvisation and games.

We have run multiple blocks at HMP Springhill since 2019, and will continue to do so, at Springhill and elsewhere too.

This means we have a sustained and informal presence in the prison and can build up skills in a process-focused way,

“The men did amazingly. They performed four scenes, improvised and developed by the men themselves. Staff and prisoners who went to watch the performance were laughing hard, and we were blown away by the talent. We have some men to be really proud of.”

— Josh Boffin, Custodial Manager at HMP Springhill, after an end-of-term sharing

Group Feedback

  • Tuesday evenings working with Kestrel have literally kept me going and helped me through the dark periods during the last few months. I don’t know what I would have done without them.

    Drama Club member

  • Thank you for your amazing contribution to the community here, everyone involved was transported out of prison for that short time.

    Drama Club member

“It was a fantastic sharing. The participants clearly enjoyed it, and so did the audience, including me. And they were really very funny and aware of each other and the audience. It was really quite some something to hear at the debrief how much the last few weeks have meant to each of them.”

Audience member at end of term sharing


The Best Thing that Never Happened


After Time