What was it?

“This is the first time in 10 years I have ever genuinely forgotten I was in a prison. Thank you.”

Cast member, The Christmas That Got Forgot at HMP Springhill

The Christmas Got Forgot was a pantomime devised and performed by a group of 11 men at HMP Springhill in December 2022. Led by a creative team of co-directors Jason York & Alessandra Davison (Royal Court, Hammersmith Lyric, Jamie LLoyd), writer Martha Watson Allpress and designer Lauren Connolly, the group worked together for four weeks to create a show for families from scratch.

In collaboration with the Irene Taylor Trust, they performed four times to an audience that totalled 150 people, including their own children, families, other residents, officers and other industry guests.

See below for a selection of feedback from the cast.

A sample of the designs created by Lauren Connolly.

Cast and Audience Feedback

“Funny, touching, original: this was a real delight. As always with Kestrel productions, the manner in which excellent performances are delivered by those with no previous experience is a marvel. Plus this was real fun. A bit of escapism. A delight in the gloom.”

Audience member

“I could never have imagined the effort we’ve all put in, the dedication, the motivation. Anything can be achieved when you put your mind to it. When I speak to family members, they can’t believe I’m doing this. This is something I will always remember. Wonderful. Wonderful.”

Cast member

“Everyone pulled together and uplifted each other, we did this all together. At the beginning I thought, rah! What am I doing! But it was…special. My girls loved it. The way the guys interacted with my children…that was amazing… my youngest, she’s autistic, and I didn’t think she’d join in…and she loved joining in with the improvisation. That meant a lot.”

Cast member

“To be honest, I’m speechless. I’m lost for words - I’m grateful. I can’t tell you how much this has helped with our mental health - it takes us out of the world of the prison…I can’t lie…it’s been magical you guys being here for the last few weeks.”

Cast member



